There are three ways to contact us.Go to the "CONTACT" page.


CONTACT FORM by email. However, reservations must be made by phone or Whatsapp Phone.

Also, it may take some time to respond to the CONTACT FORM. For reservations, we recommend calling or WhatsApp Phone.

➁  Regular phone

If you are able to make a regular phone call, please use the CONTACT PAGE below.

You can also use it from "HOW TO CONTACT OUR SHOP" at the bottom.

③ WhatsApp

WhatsApp Chat and Phone are available from the "How to use WhatsApp" page below.

Contact Page : Inquiries and questions, others.

Click below to access "How to use WhatsApp page".

Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?

Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?

Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?

❶ Information on Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?

① Improve constitution

Thai traditional massage has various merits, but it is said that it helps to improve constitution among them.

Thai Traditional Massage

⑴ Fundamental improvement of hypertension, sensitivity to cold, etc.

Thai Traditional massage, which is treated as relaxation in Japan, is recognized as a medical practice rather than massage in Thailand, and until Western medicine spreads, physical disorders and troubles are mostly treated with Thai traditional massage. .

For this reason, in Thailand, the country's home country, the Ministry of Health officially recognizes its effects, and it is considered to be particularly effective for high blood pressure and sensitivity to cold.

⑵ Improvement of lifestyle-related diseases

Thai Traditional massage is a treatment that is effective for various physical disorders, but it is especially effective for lifestyle-related diseases that have been attracting attention recently.

Lifestyle-related diseases are a general term for various diseases caused by lifestyle habits, and diabetes and hyperlipidemia are typical examples. stagnation of lymph flow. Thai Traditional massage can be expected to have the effect of regulating and promoting the flow of these blood and lymph nodes, so it is an ideal treatment for improving lifestyle-related diseases.


⑶ Improving immunity

Thai Traditional massage is a traditional Thai medicine that has developed independently by mixing Chinese shiatsu, Indian traditional medicine, Ayurveda, etc., but the root of the idea is to bring out the natural healing power that humans have. There is a thing called.

Humans are naturally equipped with the ability to cope with illnesses and disorders, such as immunity, but it is often the case that this is weakened due to various factors.

However, if you perform treatment with Thai traditional massage, you can expect an increase in natural healing power, including an improvement in immunity.

① mental effect

⑴ improvement of insomnia

Thai Traditional massage does not give pain to the body, but rather brings out the body's natural healing power by relaxing.

Therefore, during the treatment, brain waves are generated to relax in the brain.

In addition, Thai traditional massage has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.

As a result, Thai traditional massage treatment can also improve insomnia.

⑵ stress relief

Relaxation that stimulates the body makes the body feel refreshed immediately after the treatment, but often causes the body to become excited.

As a result, the body becomes stressed.

However, Thai traditional massage is the exact opposite.

It relaxes the body and mind, which in turn helps relieve stress.

③ beauty effect

Other beauty benefits include below

① diet effect
➁ detox effect
③ beautiful skin effect

❷  What are the characteristics of Thai traditional massage boasting over 2500 years of history? !

① Techniques to be performed using whole body of Thai traditional massage surgeons

Techniques such as "push", "squeeze", "stretch", "bend", "turn", "twist", "stepping on ・・・".

Thai traditional massage practitioners will utilize their bodies widely, such as their feet, soles, knees, hands, fingers, elbows, forearms, etc. during treatment, using it well and using the weight of their body .

It is characteristic of "Thai traditional massage" that there are many actions to be done using their own feet as if "this principle" is used.

Thai Traditional Massage

② Is it possible for the practitioner to get "virtue"? !

 ⑴ Thai Traditional massages that require practitioners to be highly conscious

The influence that has developed in the Buddhist culture, even if it is the patient's body to treat, the focus of treatment is the energy and spirit in the body.

The purpose of Thai traditional massage is to bring harmony of body, mind and soul.

Thai Traditional Massage

If it can be done, disease is healed, "Oriental medicine" is a unique idea.

In Thailand, "Thai traditional massage", the standing position is much higher than that in Japan It is undeniable fact.

It can be said that it is a little close to medical care.


(2)  Prayer

Thai Traditional massage that starts with prayer and ends with prayer.

It is a prayer that people who study Thai traditional massage always study first.

This prayer is called "Om namo" (Wai).

The meaning of prayer is said to mean to pray to the universe, Buddha, and Evangelist Shivaka Gomarabat, and to borrow power.

Furthermore, it is this prayer that we put hands together so that the mind and body of the customer who will be practicing from now on will be well and the disease will be well and happiness.

It is a wonderful custom or ritual.

Technology is, of course, important, but not only that, but it may be unique to Oriental medicine, but with the help of great nature and the universe, the will to heal this customer seems to be transmitted.

❸  Autonomic nerve and Oxytocin

➀ Merit of "Thai traditional massage".

In modern times as a stress society, people will be chased by information inevitably.

As a result, the balance of the autonomic nervous system collapses, and it falls into disorder.

Since the autonomic nerve controls the function of organs, if the balance collapses, the body will be bad.

Autonomic nervous system consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Balance is important for both.

When exposed to stress, sympathetic nerves tend to become dominant. The parasympathetic nerves play a role in repairing tired bodies.

To bring a body to a state of rest, it is necessary to dominate the parasympathetic nerve.

To activate the parasympathetic nerve, there are various exercises, such as moderate exercise, effective sleep, proper diet, etc. Also, when receiving "Thai traditional massage", the parasympathetic nerve becomes active.

It can be called merit of "Thai traditional massage".

The sense of foreigners and Japanese people should be slightly different,・・・ For example, friends in family relationship such as mothers and children and close friends hugging each other, grasping hands, grandpa cheek on grandchild Doing ・・・Acting to increase sense of intimacy and belonging to each other by touching parts of the body and skin, sharing a sense of unity, · · · People in the Asian region including the Japanese, they do not take much body communication to touch.

There are hormones called "Oxytocin" happy hormone "," affection hormone "," hugging hormone ".

People seem to be able to secrete Oxytocin in contact with the body.

Besides the examples raised above, it is known that adults can join hands between lovers, and even sex acts are secreted at both men and women at the moment of orgasm.

Moreover, it seems that it is secreted even by exchanges with family groups, conversations, taverns etc. without "direct contact".

Even people are unconscious, they are adjusting so that they do not get stressed.

And of course Oxytocin is secreted even if it is being "Thai traditional massage".

Thai Traditional Massage

Please secret Oxtonon with Thai traditional massage, said to be the best in the world, and be healed.


Originally Oxytocin is also used for inducing population labor because it contracts smooth muscle without uterus and induces childbirth at birth.

In addition, when an infant inhaled her mother's nipple, sucking stimulus is transmitted through the spinal cord to the hypothalamus, the production site of the interbrain otiton, and Oxytocin is secreted from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary gland , Structure.

It contracts the muscle epithelium made of the smooth muscle of the mammary gland and has the function of injecting breast milk accumulated in the mammary gland.

❹ Reason why Thai traditional massage is supported

(1) Has high quality since it was founded

(2) Massage has a long history of over 2,500 years

(3) It is worthwhile to say that a method of operation that is sufficiently compatible with the latest massage methods has been used in the past.

❺ It is information on our movie "Thai traditional massage".

It is "Thai Traditional massage Palm & Arm"

It is "Thai Traditional massage Lower body : Leg"

It is "Thai Traditional massage Upper body : Back & Shoulder"

It is "Japkasai"

・・・which is Oriental medicine 's secret based on traditional medicine originating in Thailand.

It is "Couple Thai Traditional Massage*"

・・that you and your partner receive.

To their memories・・・

This session is for a happy couple.

You can make good memories with loved ones without going out in Tokyo where you travel.

Customers who elected "Couple Thai traditional massage" are now offering a special discount of 2,000(60 minutes) ~ 4,000 (from 80 minutes)yen.

Please tell "Couple discount" when making a reservation call.

The above discount is valid until 8pm.

Please make a reservation by 7pm.

We recommend you to make an early reservation.

It is "4 Hands or 6 Hands Thai traditional massage session*"

・・・In this session, two therapists from our shop, Thai traditional massage for one customer. Three therapists are also available.

Customers who elected 4 Hands or & 6 Hands Thai traditional massage are now offering a special discount of 2,000 (60 minutes) or 4,000 (from 80 minutes 4 Hands) ~ 6,000(6 Hands) yen.

Please tell "4 hands or 6 hands discount" when making a reservation call.

We recommend you to make an early reservation.

The above discount is valid until 8pm.

Please make a reservation by 7pm.

Other discount coupons are here


What is “SENTAI”? !

The therapist will wash you before the Thai traditional massage session.

❻ How to contact our shop, mobile Thai Traditional massage EAST

Here we explain our "Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?".

Please refer to the above.

"Thai traditional massage" is said to be "the most pleasant in the world" among various massages in the street.

But is not it like a urban legend, is there a basis? !

And why is it being supported now?

Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?


There are three ways to contact us as follows.

If you are in an environment where you can make a phone call, we recommend ①calling.

Since it takes time to reply from 「Contact Form」 of ➁, we recommend "phone reservation" to prevent double reservation.

Please note that only "WhatsApp Phone" is accepted for "WhatsApp" in ③.

We do not accept "What App Chat".

Please feel free to contact us from the following, such as questions, inquiries, and reservations.

① For regular calls, tap below.

②   Contact Form

③ WhatsApp Phone :At our shop, we only accept WhatsApp Phone. WhatsApp Chat is not accepted.

WhatsApp users

❼ About our shop, mobile Thai Traditional massage EAST

We are a .mobile Thai Traditional massage EAST.

Our shop is a shop that provides a mobile Thai Traditional massage to the hotel or home in the center of Tokyo.

It is a mobile massage specialty.

For details, please refer to "Thai Traditional Massage".

Thai Traditional Massage

In 2019, Thai traditional massage "Nuat Thai" was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Thai traditional massage will become more popular all over the world than ever before.

Even if you haven't experienced Thai traditional massage yet, please experience Thai traditional massage that has been said to be "the most comfortable in the world".


Opening hours are from 3 o'clock in the evening to 24 o'clock midnight.

If you can make a reservation by 24 o'clock midnight, you can have a mobile Thai Traditional Massage in the central Tokyo.

The central Tokyo area is a mobile working area inside "JR Yamanote Line", and this area is free of transportation.

Other than that, transportation costs are optional.

For details, please refer to "Working Areas".


About the fee of a mobile Thai traditional massage from here.

For details, please refer to above.

About a late-night charge

A late-night charge of 1,000 yen will be charged for late-night reservations after 23:00 pm.

Late-night charges do not apply for phone reservations made before 22:00 pm.

Various discount coupons are available in mobile working area free of transportation expenses.

For details, refer to "Coupons".



Here we explain our "Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?".

Please refer to the above.

"Thai traditional massage" is said to be "the most pleasant in the world" among various massages in the street.

But is not it like a urban legend, is there a basis? !

And why is it being supported now?

Why is Thai traditional massage popular now?


Feel free to ask questions, make inquiries, make reservations, etc.

There are three contact methods: ① telephone, ➁  mail form, and ③ WhatsApp phone.

WhatsApp users

WhatsApp phone accepts phone calls only.

Business hours are from 3 pm to 24 am at midnight, so please contact us during that range.

It may take some time to reply to the "➁ mail form", so we recommend "① telephone reservation" for reservations.